

  THREE MONTHS SOBER!!! (A photo recap!!)  YOU GUYSSS!!! It has been three months since I decided to give up alcohol for good! I have accomplished so much in such a short timespan. I have done things that I never thought I'd be able to do. So, as we always do, let's talk about it!  I am still at such an early stage of sobriety, I'm like a sober baby! However, it feels almost like this has been my lifestyle forever at the same time. At the start of this journey, I was finding it too easy. I started to wonder how on earth I have failed in the past. Saying that though, the further in I have gotten, I have started to understand that at the very start, you get such a buzz about being sober that it is easy for a while. Some people may be lucky enough to keep that buzz going, I am not one of those people, as I have come to discover. The past maybe, six weeks, I have discovered that I do not like going to the pub anymore. At the start of sobriety, I had no issues with this, other t

Is Butlins Skegness Sober-Friendly?

Is Butlins Skegness Sober-Friendly?  For our first holiday of 2024, me & my boyfriend decided to go to Butlins Skegness. I had been to a different Butlins with my family when I was younger but my boyfriend had never been before & I feel like it's an experience that every British person should have! So, that's where we decided to go. I can hear you shouting through your screen how bloody cold it would be so close to the beach in January but fear not, my readers, we had gloves and coats at the ready!  Butlins is a family holiday park that has three UK locations; Skegness, Minehead & Bognor Regis. It has accommodation on site and loads of family fun activities included. It also hosts a lot of adult only breaks too, which tend to be popular with hen dos and stag dos. Butlins peak time is of course the summer, as they're all near to beaches & make great seaside holidays. That's why we decided to go in January. It cost us under £60 for four nights in a Gold Ap

Non-Alcoholic Drinks...

 Non-Alcoholic Drinks...  Non-alcoholic drinks have been my savior over these first two months of sobriety. However, they are not everybody's cup of tea and that is something that the sober community online has taught me. I never really thought about these types of drinks being a problem before people online started to come for me when I posted about them. It seems that they are very subjective. For some people, they can be triggering and upsetting. For other people, they really help with cravings. There are also people that just enjoy them because they are something different to a glass of coke or lemonade. Personally, I think that whatever works for you is your business.  There are a lot of different types of NA drinks these days. You can get beers, gins, mocktails and many, many others. There are even NA drinks that give you the same "buzz" as a glass or two of beer would, without having touched any alcohol at all. It seems that being sober/sober curious is becoming tr

50 Days Sober - Let's Talk!

  50 Days Sober - Let's Talk!   (Celebratory DonutšŸ¤)  I am FIFTY DAY'S SOBER!!! I cannot believe I am saying that. Seventeen year old me, fuck, even newly twenty-two year old me, would not believe this. So, shall we talk about it? Let's!  Firstly, how am I feeling? AMAZING! I honestly feel amazing. I thought this would be the hardest journey of my life and whilst it has been challenging, I feel like (for me personally) it has, so far, been way more rewarding. It feels as if I am truly reconnected with the world around me. I have gotten my confidence back. In fact, I've gained more confidence than I've ever had before!      (The only blurry vision I've had in 50 day's lol)  What have my saviours been throughout this time? Well, let me share these little secrets with you. A.) Non-Alcoholic drinks. I have replaced anytime I'd usually drink socially, with NA beers & gins. So far, my favourite beer is the Corona & my favourite gin is Rubarb & Gin

Moderation. Does it work for me?

 Moderation. Does it work for me?  Drinking in moderation is something I have promised myself I would do a million times over. The day after a big drinking session, instead of quitting, I would just vow to "take it easy" next time and to stop when I started to feel the fun buzz that you get before it all goes wrong. As a binge drinker, that isn't something I have ever had the will power for though.  Personally, for me, there are three different types of drinking. There is the social events drink to be on the same level as the people around me,  the "out out" drink until I'm stumbling into the smoking area of a club asking everyone and anyone for a lighter and finally there is the  at home binge drinking.  When it comes to drinking at social events, I would often find myself trying to be at the same level as everyone else. I would begin by saying "I will only have a few so that I don't do anything embarrassing." and eventually I would find mysel

First Sober Date Night!

First Sober Date Night! (Me and My Boyfriend.)  My first sober date night was a success guys! I asked my lovely boyfriend to join me on an alcohol free date and he was more excited than me!  When I first met my boyfriend, I was in an awful place in life and I would go out and get black out drunk most nights. I hated myself, I hated my situation and I honestly thought my life was well and truly over. Our first date, we went on a lovely walk and then... went clubbing. I am very surprised he came back for a second date but I think he saw past the broken person that I was at the time. I am so, unbelievably lucky that he did too. He is the reason I am sober, he is the reason I even cut down on the drinking all that time ago and he is the reason that I have the strength to get better in the first place. With all that being said, I do want to add a disclaimer that I am always there for him too, he is not my carer and I am NOT an inconvenience. We look after each other and share all of the hig

How Am I REALLY Feeling?

  How Am I REALLY Feeling? (A reminder, before you read this post!) Trigger Warning's: Discussion of Mental Health that may be upsetting for some people. (You will find the paragraph in red so that you can read around it if you would like too.)  How am I really feeling? I think I avoid this question as much as I can because my moods are so up and down, it's hard to give an accurate answer. However, for you reader, I will try.  Today, I am 37 day's sober (when writing this). I am on my fourth antidepressant in five weeks and my boyfriend has just gone back to work after some time off. I think my mood towards each part of my life is vastly different so, it is a bit more complicated than good or bad.  Sobriety. You know, I never knew it'd feel this good to not drink but it truly does. I thought I would be completely miserable sober, that I couldn't go through any difficult emotions without alcohol to fall back on. However, I have proven myself SO wrong. Being able to g