Non-Alcoholic Drinks...

 Non-Alcoholic Drinks...

 Non-alcoholic drinks have been my savior over these first two months of sobriety. However, they are not everybody's cup of tea and that is something that the sober community online has taught me. I never really thought about these types of drinks being a problem before people online started to come for me when I posted about them. It seems that they are very subjective. For some people, they can be triggering and upsetting. For other people, they really help with cravings. There are also people that just enjoy them because they are something different to a glass of coke or lemonade. Personally, I think that whatever works for you is your business.

 There are a lot of different types of NA drinks these days. You can get beers, gins, mocktails and many, many others. There are even NA drinks that give you the same "buzz" as a glass or two of beer would, without having touched any alcohol at all. It seems that being sober/sober curious is becoming trendy and with that, comes a whole new market of drinks to interest us. NA drinks can also be good for your health with blends of vitamins and in general, with the elimination of alcohol. A big plus to these facts is that because of the growing interest and health benefits, many bars and restaurants are expanding their NA menus, which for us sober people, feels more inclusive and I love that. 

 Non-alcoholic drinks are not just for people that are teetotal either. They are a great way for people that are sober curious and people that are not sober at all. If someone is a driver of a group on a boozy day out, they can still join in and be able to drive. If someone has had maybe one too many on a night out and want to slow down, they can switch from a cocktail to a mocktail. Pregnant women can still enjoy the taste of their favourite ciders, beers, wines and not harm their baby. Mocktails are amazing for baby showers, christenings, birthday meals, etc...

 Now, if you are a lover of alcohol free drinks, I have a few suggestions for you based off of what I have tried so far!

 I have only found one good alternative so far for wine and that is Freixenet 0.0%. They have a white and a rose version. It is sparkling, similar to a prosecco. I rate the rose one a 7/10!

Whitley Neill Rhubarb and Ginger 0.0% Gin. This was my favourite gin when I was drinking and when I found out that they did a non-alcoholic version, I was beyond excited. It tastes so similar to the real thing but without the alcohol burn and that just makes it 10 times better in my opinion. For me, this is a solid 9/10!

Corona 0.0%!!! This tastes pretty much IDENTICAL to the real thing. I am a huge beer lover and I think that it is probably the thing I miss the most. When I saw these NA coronas in Aldi, I had to try them, so I took them to NYE. My Dad had a normal Corona and tried both, he said he couldn't tell the difference! I think the real difference though, is not having a hangover the next day!!! This is a 10/10 for me.

Cider - My number one favourite cider is the NA Rekorderlig Strawberry and Lime! It tastes like a fizzy fruit juice. 10/10 from me.
WKD!!! - This is a fairly new NA drink and I was so excited when it came out. It is my Moms favourite drink and we often drink it together at Christmas, so when I saw this at Home Bargains, I HAD to try it. The smell and initial taste were great but the aftertaste was lacking, so I gave it an 8/10.
Buckzfizz by Nozeco - This is a great drink for Christmas. It is a bit more sour then a usual Buckzfizz but it is a great substitute. 7/10!

 The only real down side I have found with drinking NA drinks is the price. Considering they don't have any alcohol, you usually find that they are a similar price or sometimes a little bit more expensive. This is extremally annoying when you haven't yet tried them because I don't know about you but I do not want to spend £30 on something that I might not like. Usually getting a glass of it at a pub helps with this issue. However, even though pubs are expanding their menus, they're still not massive, so they don't often have too many of the newer things to try out.
As I said at the start of this post, whatever works for you is your business, not mine. If you guys don't want to or can't drink NA drinks, then that is okay. However, if you do like to drink them, you have every right to do so. Do not let anyone tell you what is right for you unless they are you or a medical professional.

 If you do try any of these, let me know what you think and please do suggests your favourites to me too!! <3 

 That is all from me today!! Thank you for being here and for reading about my favourite drinks. If you want to contact me or to follow my journey some more, you can find me on threads and insta as @imsoberpositive !! I would love to connect with you, to know what you think of these blogs and what you would like to see next.

Until next time,
Keep going & remember, one day at a time.
-P x

*All images are taken/made by me unless stated otherwise. If you use them, please credit/tag me @imsoberpositive*


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