50 Days Sober - Let's Talk!

 50 Days Sober - Let's Talk!

  (Celebratory Donut🤍)

 I am FIFTY DAY'S SOBER!!! I cannot believe I am saying that. Seventeen year old me, fuck, even newly twenty-two year old me, would not believe this. So, shall we talk about it? Let's!

 Firstly, how am I feeling? AMAZING! I honestly feel amazing. I thought this would be the hardest journey of my life and whilst it has been challenging, I feel like (for me personally) it has, so far, been way more rewarding. It feels as if I am truly reconnected with the world around me. I have gotten my confidence back. In fact, I've gained more confidence than I've ever had before!

     (The only blurry vision I've had in 50 day's lol)

 What have my saviours been throughout this time? Well, let me share these little secrets with you.

A.) Non-Alcoholic drinks. I have replaced anytime I'd usually drink socially, with NA beers & gins. So far, my favourite beer is the Corona & my favourite gin is Rubarb & Ginger. Some people don't agree with doing this & that is okay. However, they've been a big lifesaver for me and in all honesty, I genuinely enjoy them.

B.) Support. Having support makes all the difference. My family have been the best support, even better than I thought they'd be to be honest. Also, my amazing boyfriend and his family have been fabulous too!! My boyfriend is my number one cheerleader and I feel so lucky to have him. He is my very BEST friend! (I know not everybody is lucky enough to have a big support system or to even have one at all, so I want to say how important it is to also reach out to charities & your GP to find further support if you need.)

C.) Online communities. I have reached out so many times online during this journey and have met some AMAZING people. There is an entire sober community online, on all social media's!! Find them & you'll be set!

(My boy...🤍)

 This milestone is so huge for me. I am so fucking proud of myself. I never in my life thought I'd be here, living a sober life and doing it happily. 2024 is my year, it's yours too. We are thriving and we will smash this.


 Have a donut, a slice of cake, an NA beer or a treat of your choice for me! I appreciate you being here for me & know that I'll always be here got you too.🤍


 That is all from me today!! Thank you for being here and for reading about my 50 day sobriety milestone. If you want to contact me or to follow my journey some more, you can find me on threads and insta as @imsoberpositive !! I would love to connect with you, to know what you think of these blogs and what you would like to see next.

Until next time,
Keep going & remember, one day at a time.
-P x

*All images are taken/made by me unless stated otherwise. If you use them, please credit/tag me @imsoberpositive*


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