How Am I REALLY Feeling?


How Am I REALLY Feeling?

(A reminder, before you read this post!)
Trigger Warning's:
Discussion of Mental Health that may be upsetting for some people. (You will find the paragraph in red so that you can read around it if you would like too.)

 How am I really feeling? I think I avoid this question as much as I can because my moods are so up and down, it's hard to give an accurate answer. However, for you reader, I will try. Today, I am 37 day's sober (when writing this). I am on my fourth antidepressant in five weeks and my boyfriend has just gone back to work after some time off. I think my mood towards each part of my life is vastly different so, it is a bit more complicated than good or bad.

 Sobriety. You know, I never knew it'd feel this good to not drink but it truly does. I thought I would be completely miserable sober, that I couldn't go through any difficult emotions without alcohol to fall back on. However, I have proven myself SO wrong. Being able to go through difficult emotions and to handle them without substance is the best part of this entire journey, I feel completely invincible. It really feels like I could do anything. As someone that lived to drink, I really wish their had been more awareness around being sober. It feels as if there is a massive community online but the platforms don't want to push sobriety because alcohol makes more money. I have not seen any books about sobriety on the shelves of book stores or supermarkets. I don't see any gifts that specifically target people who don't drink, yet there are a million and one gin and prosecco based gifts. I one hundred percent think that there should be way more discussion surrounding sobriety because this feels truly amazing.

 Mental Health. Gosh this is the most difficult one I think. There are so many factors that go into how you feel mentally aren't there? I mean in terms of my sobriety and general mood, I feel nice right now. In terms of PTSD and anxiety, I don't feel great to be honest. I thought I was getting better but that's the thing about being mentally unwell... It is a rollercoaster. I really hate it when people think I am better because I have had a couple good weeks from what they have seen. I have suffered with diagnosed mental illnesses for nine years, I know how to come off as okay Infront of people if I need to. Reader, I can hear you telling me not to fake my mood Infront of others but to be honest, my entire life, I have felt entirely judged if I act how I really feel. I have had people tell me that others have it worse, that I am lazy, that I have had enough time to be sad and that I have to just get on with it now, I've been told to man up, to move on, that I am an attention seeker, etc... I have tried to be honest about how I feel but I just feel like my mental health makes other people uncomfortable, so I stay at home and feel all my feelings. The last time I put myself out there, these, amongst others, are the factors that made me break down.

 If I am honest, I am feeling like a bag of mixed sweets. I am working on everything I have spoken about above. I see doctors regularly and my boyfriend is a great support. My sobriety was a big step in feeling better and for what it is worth, it is doing it's job. There are just a lot of other factors that I need to work on too right now. I feel lonelier and sometimes scared but I also feel more hopeful these day's. I am trying to look at this year with positivity and the hope that things will get better... one day at a time.

 I know this post hasn't been as positive as others and I am sorry for that but my aim is to be very honest here and to you. Each person's mental wellbeing is different and I hope that if, like me, you are having a hard time, you reach out and get the help that you need... because things will get better for both of us.

Samaritans Number: 116 123 (UK)

988 Lifeline: 988 (USA) 

 Just incase anyone needs them. Sending massive love and support to you. Things will get better.

 That is all from me today!! Thank you for being here and for reading about me and how I have been feeling recently. If you want to contact me or to follow my journey some more, you can find me on threads and insta as @imsoberpositive !! I would love to connect with you, to know what you think of these blogs and what you would like to see next.

Until next time,
Keep going & remember, one day at a time.
-P x

*All images are taken/made by me unless stated otherwise. If you use them, please credit/tag me @imsoberpositive*


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